Today, I'm going to tell you about the most important intellectual influence in my life and a series of books that just might continue to change my life.
The Highest Standard of Romance
Please enjoy the first chapter of my new book, The Romantic Ideal—The Highest Standard of Romance for a Man. The book is now available in all formats on Amazon and other digital retailers. And happy International Men's Day to you.
A Short List of Terms I Probably Invented
Every now and then, I find that I need to reference a phenomenon or experience for which I lack an adequate label in English. In these moments, I search for a term that will capture the meaning I intend and make the concept easier to repeatedly refer to. Since I have introduced these and other terms into my personal lexicon,...
It's about the grammar of the question. It's always presented in the past simple tense. What "did" you study? It indicates that studying (and basically the entirety of education itself) was an event that began and ended in the past. The lack of specifying the intended time period implies that I should already know exactly when the studying...
Can the Whole World Really Be Wrong?
Mark Twain said, "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." That's good advice. The opposite is also generally good advice: Whenever you find yourself against the majority, it's worth considering if there's something you got wrong that everyone else figured out better than you. After all, what's more...
Healthy relationships of all kinds are based on mutual respect. This means balance and reciprocity in all things. We are happy to do for others that which we believe they would be happy to do for us too. When they do not do what we have done for them (or would do), we naturally feel as though they have cheated...
Economics is one of the most important and fascinating topics anyone can learn, though it is seldom ever approached that way by those ignorant of it. Someone who understands even basic economics will be far more productive and make much more money throughout life than someone who doesn't. That alone should be enough incentive to study it, as it...
Knowledge in the mind is not quite like a library, which is organized alphabetically by title in an arbitrary fashion. It's more like a map. There's a beginning, an end, and a path that can only lead in certain logically consistent directions. It is much more coherently structured than a library tends to be. A library will be chunked into...
"If we lived on a planet where nothing ever changed, there would be little to do. There would be nothing to figure out. There would be no impetus for science. And if we lived in an unpredictable world, where things changed in random or very complex ways, we would not be able to figure things out. Again, there would be...
Matit Deserved to Exist
Attachment is the source of all suffering. Anything you grow attached to and become accustomed to experiencing as a necessary feature in your life has to potential to hurt you if it is ever removed, especially if the removal is sudden. And it is impossible to be more attached to something than that which perfectly accommodates your needs and...