Gregory V. Diehl is a teacher and mentor for deep thinkers unsatisfied with ordinary approaches to life's most important subjects. His work challenges common cultural narratives, educating and inspiring readers about self-knowledge and confident self-expression.

Residing in a scenic village in Armenia after a lifetime of global cultural experiences, Gregory runs an educational NGO called The Kalavan Retreat Center—an international beacon for uncommon learning, development, and freedom from personal suppression.

To inquire about one-on-one mentorship, coaching, or consulting, visit the Contact page. The goal is that everyone may begin to express themselves more authentically in a world that suppresses the conscious choice of the individual in favor of unconscious obedience to cultural pressures. 

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Every now and then, I find that I need to reference a phenomenon or experience for which I lack an adequate label in English. In these moments, I search for a term that will capture the meaning I intend and make the concept easier to repeatedly refer to. Since I have introduced these and other terms into my personal lexicon,...

It's about the grammar of the question. It's always presented in the past simple tense. What "did" you study? It indicates that studying (and basically the entirety of education itself) was an event that began and ended in the past. The lack of specifying the intended time period implies that I should already know exactly when the studying...

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